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4 Disastrous Relationship Mistakes

Everyone behaves poorly in relationships every now and again. It’s normal and generally not an issue. If certain behaviors persist for a while, however, things can start to take a turn for the worst. So, to help bring awareness to your relationship habits, here’s 4 things that you should stop doing:

1.) Too much criticism. Stop being nitpicky and criticizing your partner over every little thing they do wrong. It’s not worth the time or energy and just serves to strain the relationship. No one likes being constantly told that they are dissatisfying.

2.) Ignoring important complaints. If your partner expresses their concerns over a topic, then you need to listen. It doesn’t matter if you agree or not, it’s about finding mutual ground to make the relationship operate more smoothly.

3.) Failure to empathize. Partners are there for support and compassion, so try and empathize with them when they confide in you. Don’t let your ego take hold, don’t defend yourself, just actively listen.

4.) Technoference. Don’t liver your life on your phone when you are with your partner. It shows disinterest and is rude. Be present.

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